Monday, December 17, 2012

Charlie Brown Learns the True Meaning of Christmas


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Agony of God's Heart for His People by Leonard Ravenhill

"Agony of God's Heart for His People"

by Leonard Ravenhill

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

U.S Allies Launch Largest Ever Middle East Naval Exercise. WAR IS COMING!

Allies Launch Largest Ever Middle East Naval Exercise. WAR IS COMING!

U.S Allies Launch Largest Ever Middle East Naval Exercise. Is ISRAEL Preparing to Strike IRAN?

The United States and its allies began their largest ever naval exercise in the Middle East on Sunday, designed to demonstrate their ability to counter a potential Iranian naval blockade of the vital Straight of Hormuz.

An armada of military hardware from 25 nations, including battleships, aircraft carriers, submarines and minesweepers has descended on the Persian Gulf as Western policy makers desperately try to convince Israel that diplomacy and sanctions designed to halt Iran's nuclear program need more time to work.

The massive show of force has once again brought the threat of war to the region, raising the prospect Israel will launch a pre-emptive strike against Iran, which has already promised retaliation for any attacks against its nuclear facilities.

On Sunday, the Associated Press quoted Iran's top revolutionary Guard commander Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari as waring that: "His country's missiles will ensure 'nothing will remain' of Israel if it takes military action against Tehran over its controversial nuclear program."

Predicting a joint U.S./Israeli attack, Jafari added that he was also prepared to strike American bases in the region.

And while American officials have downplayed the naval exercise as being "focus[ed] on a hypothetical threat from an extremist organization to mine the international strategic waterways of the Middle East," some commentators see the exercise -- which lasts until 27 September -- as a precursor to something far more immediate.

"An armada of US and British naval power is massing in the Persian Gulf in the belief that Israel is considering a pre-emptive strike against Iran's covert nuclear weapons programme," warned the Daily Telegraph's defense correspondent Sean Rayment on Monday.

"Battleships, aircraft carriers, minesweepers and submarines from 25 nations are converging on the strategically important Strait of Hormuz in an unprecedented show of force as Israel and Iran move towards the brink of war," Rayment wrote.

"In preparation for any pre-emptive or retaliatory action by Iran, warships from more than 25 countries, including the United States, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, will today begin an annual 12-day exercise."

But others caution that Iran is unlikely to mine the vital sea lanes of Hormuz as they would too would be hit by the resulting oil blockade.

"They would be hurting themselves the most because they would be cutting off their main source of revenue, which is oil exports, at a time when they are already being sanctioned heavily and money is tight," Karim Sadjadpour, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, told PBS.

Iran would have only two reasons to mine the Straight, according to Sadjadpour.

"In the event of a [Israeli] military attack, there is more than [a] 50 percent chance they would attempt to close the strait or prevent others from passing through freely," he added.

"They don't have that many options for retaliation. They can try to launch missiles into Saudi Arabia to spike oil prices; they can try to unleash Hezbollah and Hamas; and, if they want to hurt the world, it's by closing the strait."

Secondly, if all their oil export options were closed then they would have nothing to lose by blockading Hormuz.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Prayer on the Square in Laurinburg, North Carolina

Scotland County Christians are reaching across racial and denominational barriers to try to save their shared community.

“Laurinburg and Scotland County have a lot of challenges,” said the Rev. Michael Edds, pastor of Cross Pointe Church. “We have one of the highest crime rates in the nation and the highest unemployment in the state. We have a lot of gangs, we have a lot of poverty, we have a lot of drugs. We’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not the government’s fault, it’s not the police or the sheriff’s department’s fault - it’s the churches’ fault.”  We have failed to pray and to take Christ to the streets of our community.  We have failed to live like Christians.

On Wednesday, Edds led the “Prayer on the Square,” a prayer group meeting on Wednesdays at noon at the corner of Church and Main streets in Laurinburg. Both meetings have attracted some 30 people, all of whom share a common goal: to combat Laurinburg’s culture of drugs and crime through prayer.  The group has been gathering going on five years.

“In the last 10 years there have been 51 murders,” said one of the intercessors. “In a county of 30,000, that’s a lot, and it’s young people. We want our community turned around. These kids are just going to hell with the drugs and the violence. There have been too many kids shot and the churches have got to step up and turn it around.”
The meetings address the common problems that plague Scotland County rather than religious or political differences.

“We’re committed to coming out here and praying for our community as a group of all races and all denominations,” Edds said. “We’re not going to fight about politics; we’re here to pray.”

“It’s not about what denomination, what color you are or what church you go to, it’s just a collective group of people,” a member of the group added. “God has really been blessing us to get together to change the city, but from a prayer standpoint first. God has some work that he wants us to do, and we’ve been a little slack on it.”

Many believe that it is time for them to step outside of the familiar walls of their own churches in order to make change in the community.

“It’s time for God’s people to stop playing church and start being the church,” said Laura Sanders. “We are, no matter what denomination, the body of Christ.”

“God did not save Daniel from the lion’s den, he saved him in it,” said Robert Currie. “He did not save the Hebrew children from the fiery furnace, he saved them in the fiery furnace. We have to take action. God parted the waters and the children of Israel walked across the dry land. God didn’t pick them up and float them across it. We have to put out an effort.”

The group is open to all who wish to join in, and will meet every Wednesday at noon at the park on the corner of Main and Church Streets,  across from First United Methodist Church.

“If it rains, shines, or snows, we’re going to be here every Wednesday,” said Edds.
Edds hopes that a shift away from the flawed and divisive behaviors sometimes practiced within the Christian community will in turn bring improvements in Scotland County at large.

“We’ve focused on what divides us, and denominational splits, and all of these silly issues,” he said. “It’s time that stuff ends. God said that if we’ll repent and turn from our wicked ways, He would hear us from heaven and heal our land. The healing of this county and this city and these communities is us praying and calling on God to come down. We’re praying for a great awakening in this town.”

Some know firsthand the difficulties of escaping a criminal lifestyle, and wish to help others by showing them how to live a Christian lifestyle.

“Everything that I prayed for, God has given to me, and he’s going to put me to work on the streets,” said Eddie Howard. “I used to be a street rambler - I must have been on drugs for 15 years or more and God saved me. I want to let them know that they can change their lives and things can turn around for the good.”

The group embraces a “love the sinner, hate the sin” philosophy, and prays that the lives of criminals can be changed to the benefit of all.

“We’re taking our community back,” said Edds. “Get saved or get busted is what we’re going to tell these gangs. It’s not us, it’s God that we’ve invited to take over the town and the county. We love people. We love the gangs, we love the drug dealers, we love all of these people - we love their souls, but they’re going to stop the crime because we’ve had enough.”

Group members say that meetings will continue until the community is satisfactorily transformed, but in the short term, progress is measured one person at a time.

“If all of this was just for one person to get saved, it was all worth it,” said Matthew Sanders.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"A Powerful Warning - Lest We Forget The Message" by David Wilkerson

"A Powerful Warning - Lest We Forget The Message" by David Wilkerson

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Incredible signs are occurring in the heavens and on the earth.  Unprecedented storms, earthquakes, massive worldwide animal and bird deaths, record-breaking tsunamis, comets coming dangerously close to the earth, and history-making solar flares are just of the few mysterious things taking place.  God is trying to wake us up before its too late!  Get prepared to meet Him!

Thursday, July 19, 2012



The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ, is on the threshold of returning to earth.  All prophecies have or are being fulfilled concerning His return.  Are you ready to meet Him?

Monday, July 16, 2012

Proof: The Mark of the Beast is Here, NOW!!

A Project to Fingerprint 1.2 Billion People

Imagine creating a system to track 1.2 billion peoplephotographing them, fingerprintingthem, cataloging them and giving them all IDs.

Nandan Nilekani is not just imagining that system. He is tasked with making it a reality in India.

Nilekani is the chairman of India's Unique Identification Authority. Nilekani's previous claim to fame was as one of the founders of Infosys, India's pioneering technology firm. He recently talked to Fareed Zakaria on Sunday's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" show. Here’s an edited version of their conversation, which can also be viewed by downloading the entire show on iTunes.

ZAKARIA: So you are taking India's entire population, which previously had rarely been counted, and you are going to try and give every single person a biometric ID.

NILEKANIThat's right. We have enrolled 200 million people in the last three years since the project began. And we are using the biometrics to give them a unique number so that they don't end up having more than one number. So we're taking people, many of whom have no ID whatsoever, and taking them to the digital world. So it's like a leapfrogging of identity.

ZAKARIA: So why is this so important for India? What one hears about it is that these people are supposed to get loans, or grants or various things from the government.

(Here’s the irrefutable, in-your-face description of the Beast’s system of tracking and engaging every person in order to control and measure commerce and life!

I am also adding the Scripture reference from Revelation 13:16-18:

6 He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. 17 And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name. 18 Wisdom is needed here. Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666.)  *I have included the entire text of Revelation 13 below. 

NILEKANI: We still have millions of people who don't have a formal identity or acknowledgement of their existence by the state. And unless you have a formal acknowledgement or existence you can't get a bank account or a loan. You can't get a mobile phone. You can't get your entitlements. You can't get a job. You can't rent a house.  

(Dear Church of the Living God, can I make it ANY clearer?!  Here, in front of you, now, IS THE MARK OF THE BEST!!  The closing moments of this dispensation are ticking away!  How are YOU then living?!)

So everything is linked to your basic identity. In some sense you can think of as a massive inclusion program to get the poor, and the marginalized and the identity-less into the formal economy. So that's one part of it.

By having this ID system we can make sure that people's scholarshipspensions,employment guarantee schemes all direct to the right person, either into the bank account or whatever account. So it both makes government expenditure more efficient, effective and equitable, and it's a massive inclusion exercise.

ZAKARIA: How difficult is it? How much more difficult is it to deal with the bureaucracies? Or which is worse, the bureaucratic obstacles or political obstacles?

NILEKANI: The amount of time you are to invest in evangelizing and consensus building is hugely more in the public space. And crafting a strategy which is sort of acceptable to everybody really takes a great deal of time. And that's where the big difference to me between the two worlds.

New Living Translation (NLT)
The Beast out of the Sea

13 Then I saw a beast rising up out of the sea. It had seven heads and ten horns, with ten crowns on its horns. And written on each head were names that blasphemed God. 2 This beast looked like a leopard, but it had the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion! And the dragon gave the beast his own power and throne and great authority.

3 I saw that one of the heads of the beast seemed wounded beyond recovery—but the fatal wound was healed! The whole world marveled at this miracle and gave allegiance to the beast. 4 They worshiped the dragon for giving the beast such power, and they also worshiped the beast. “Who is as great as the beast?” they exclaimed. “Who is able to fight against him?”

5 Then the beast was allowed to speak great blasphemies against God. And he was given authority to do whatever he wanted for forty-two months. 6 And he spoke terrible words of blasphemy against God, slandering his name and his dwelling—that is, those who dwell in heaven. 7 And the beast was allowed to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And he was given authority to rule over every tribe and people and language and nation. 8 And all the people who belong to this world worshiped the beast. They are the ones whose names were not written in the Book of Life before the world was made—the Book that belongs to the Lamb who was slaughtered.

9 Anyone with ears to hear
    should listen and understand.
10 Anyone who is destined for prison
    will be taken to prison.
Anyone destined to die by the sword
    will die by the sword.

This means that God’s holy people must endure persecution patiently and remain faithful.
The Beast out of the Earth

11 Then I saw another beast come up out of the earth. He had two horns like those of a lamb, but he spoke with the voice of a dragon. 12 He exercised all the authority of the first beast. And he required all the earth and its people to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. 13 He did astounding miracles, even making fire flash down to earth from the sky while everyone was watching. 14 And with all the miracles he was allowed to perform on behalf of the first beast, he deceived all the people who belong to this world. He ordered the people to make a great statue of the first beast, who was fatally wounded and then came back to life. 15 He was then permitted to give life to this statue so that it could speak. Then the statue of the beast commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die.

16 He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. 17 And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name. 18 Wisdom is needed here. Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mysterious Powerful Explosions in Michigan/Indiana - June 6, 2012 - What's Going On?

Mysterious Powerful Explosions in Michigan/Indiana - June 6, 2012 - What's Going On?

Mysterious Powerful Explosions in Michigan/Indiana - June 6, 2012 - What's Going On?A local Michigan reporter named Bob Powell who wrote: “At 10 a.m. on Wednesday, 6/6/2012, a mysterious explosion shook homes over hundreds of square miles in Northeastern Michigan. The ground shaking explosion was heard from Presque Isle to Lincoln, and out west as far as Hillman.” Trees have been snapped in half and there are reports of high levels of radiation. Important to note is that this reporter was swiftly detained and arrested when he attempted to gather more information.
What is going on?  Why the silence by the government?  Is this a cover up???

Friday, June 08, 2012

Revealing God's Treasure - Mt. Sinai

"Mount Sinai - The Mount of God"
The real Mt. Sinai is located in Saudi Arabia. In this video you will view the blackened, burned peak, the split rock which Moses struck, and the altar upon which the golden calf was placed.  This is a first-hand visit to the actual location of the giving of the Ten Commandments!

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Deputy Sharonica Smith, Matthew Sanders, and Eddie Howard hold hands during Wednesday s prayer session.
Scotland County Christians are reaching across racial and denominational barriers to try to save their shared community.
“Laurinburg and Scotland County have a lot of challenges,” said the Rev. Michael Edds, pastor of East Laurinburg Pentecostal Holiness Church. “We have a high crime rate and the highest unemployment in the state. We have a lot of gangs, we have a lot of poverty, we have a lot of drugs. We’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not the government’s fault, it’s not the police or the sheriff’s department’s fault - it’s the churches’ fault.”
On Wednesday, Edds led the second installment of “Prayer on the Square,” a prayer group meeting on Wednesdays at noon at the corner of Church and Main streets in Laurinburg. Both meetings have attracted some 30 people, all of whom share a common goal: to combat Laurinburg’s culture of drugs and crime through prayer.
“In the last 10 years there have been 51 murders,” said Ruthann Ammons. “In a county of 30,000, that’s a lot, and it’s young people. We want our community turned around. These kids are just going to hell with the drugs and the violence. There have been too many kids shot and the churches have got to step up and turn it around.”
The meetings address the common problems that plague Scotland County rather than religious or political differences.
“We’re committed to coming out here and praying for our community as a group of all races and all denominations,” Edds said. “We’re not going to fight any politics; we’re here to pray.”
“It’s not about what denomination, what color you are or what church you go to, it’s just a collective group of people,” Steph Smith added. “God has really been blessing us to get together to change the city, but from a prayer standpoint first. God has some work that he wants us to do, and we’ve been a little slack on it.”
Many believe that it is time for them to step outside of the familiar walls of their own churches in order to make change in the community.
“It’s time for God’s people to stop playing church and start being the church,” said Laura Sanders. “We are, no matter what denomination, the body of Christ.”
“God did not save Daniel from the lion’s den, he saved him in it,” said Robert Currie. “He did not save the Hebrew children from the fiery furnace, he saved them in the fiery furnace. We have to take action. God parted the waters and the children of Israel walked across the dry land. God didn’t pick them up and float them across it. We have to put out an effort.”
The group is open to all who wish to join in, and will meet every Wednesday at noon at the park on the James lot across from First United Methodist Church.
“If it rains, shines, or snows, we’re going to be here every Wednesday,” said Edds.
Edds hopes that a shift away from the flawed and divisive behaviors sometimes practiced within the Christian community will in turn bring improvements in Scotland County at large.
“We’ve focused on what divides us, and denominational splits, and all of these silly issues,” he said. “It’s time that stuff ends. God said that if we’ll repent and turn from our wicked ways, He would hear us from heaven and heal our land. The healing of this county and this city and these communities is us praying and calling on God to come down. We’re praying for a great awakening in this town.”
Some know firsthand the difficulties of escaping a criminal lifestyle, and wish to help others by showing them how to live a Christian lifestyle.
“Everything that I prayed for, God has given to me, and he’s going to put me to work on the streets,” said Eddie Howard. “I used to be a street rambler - I must have been on drugs for 15 years or more and God saved me. I want to let them know that they can change their lives and things can turn around for the good.”
The group embraces a “love the sinner, hate the sin” philosophy, and prays that the lives of criminals can be changed to the benefit of all.
“We’re taking our community back,” said Edds. “Get saved or get busted is what we’re going to tell these gangs. It’s not us, it’s God that we’ve invited to take over the town and the county. We love people. We love the gangs, we love the drug dealers, we love all of these people - we love their souls, but they’re going to stop the crime because we’ve had enough.”
Group members say that meetings will continue until the community is satisfactorily transformed, but in the short term, progress is measured one person at a time.
“If all of this was just for one person to get saved, it was all worth it,” said Matthew Sanders.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

"An Appalachian Dawn - Christians Took Their Town Back!"

"Manchester, City of Hope," Kentucky
Population 2,200
by Ben Mutti

         Isolated in the heartland of Appalachia, the city of Manchester, Kentucky, appeared to be the unlikeliest place for societal breakthrough to occur. Located in Clay County, any attempt to “change” the dysfunctional way of life was considered futile. With the decline of the coal and salt industry, and their best years seemingly behind them, a 1964 CBS news report gave Manchester the dubious distinction “Depressed City, USA.” Forty years later, Clay County still could not escape from its “backward” stereotype, being listed as the sixth poorest county in the United States.
         And that was not all! In 2001, the Drug Enforcement Agency included Manchester in a region listed as the “Painkiller Capital of America.” This notorious nickname did not bode well for a county that actually had more people residing in prison than people residing in the county seat.
         While Clay County's outcast image has always been a hard pill for the area to swallow, its outlaw image has always been widely renowned. In a TV exposé by the HistoryChannel on Clay's family feuds, it was reported that four local clans killed more than ten times the number of family members than those killed in the infamous Hatfield and McCoy rivalry. This prevailing mountain man mentality, along with a sectarian church mindset, furthered the notion that Clay County resembled the O.K. Corral. The community was devoid of all hope.
         That is until May 2, 2004, when 63 churches and 3,500 people united together as community catalysts to march against drugs. Like troops advancing upon a city, these civic pilgrims for progress joined together under the direction of church leaders who publicly repented before GOD for their lack of civic involvement. Their slogan was, "Get Saved or Get Busted!" Suddenly, a pulse could be felt; hope had been resuscitated. Many felt this climactic prayer event helped break the vice-like grip of drug addiction that had tormented daily life.  

         The following year, Manchester became the only area in the region where painkiller prescriptions actually decreased. Beyond that, drug arrests would increase by a staggering 300 percent. Where favoritism, fraud, and extortion were once the law of the land, government corruption would soon be uncovered. Within three years, public officials, including the mayor, the city supervisor, the assistant police chief, the 911 Director, the fire chief, the circuit court judge, a handful of city councilmen, county commissioners and county clerks, would all be exposed and jailed for racketeering, distributing drugs, and voter fraud.
         As newfound stakeholders in society, churches and citizens partnered together with law enforcement to root out this crime and corruption. In fact, a court watch program was initiated by the churches, and with the help of their Congressman, a local Jesus-based rehabilitation center was completed in 2008.
      As a result, a profound optimism had instantly been injected into everyday life. Local drug dealers soon began surrendering their lives to Jesus and getting delivered from drug addiction. This fresh adrenaline also caused high-ranking officials like the new mayor and the sheriff to begin advancing the kingdom cause of Christ in their respective spheres of influence.
      According to Sheriff Kevin Johnson, the church partnership with the police was “the best thing to happen to Clay County.” Furthermore, this uncommon collaboration, “Operation: Unite,” has become the model for the entire state.
         Consequently, in 2007, the city council voted to change the name of the city to “Manchester: City of Hope.” As a result, this obscure community has become a regional influence, receiving desperate calls from 49 different states, and five foreign nations, all soliciting Clay Countians for guidance in their battle against drugs. 

         Not only are students now being drug tested in school, Bible elective courses are also being offered in high school. Meanwhile, Clay County was chosen as having the model-reading program for children in the state in 2008, significant for a region traditionally plagued with high illiteracy rates.
         Remarkably, in the Fall of 2009, with bated - breath, the city announced that a recycling company would be coming to Manchester, bringing a breathtaking 1,400 new jobs; this despite the rest of the nation stumbling through a global recession.
         Last, but not least, located near the Kingdom Come National Park, Clay County now possesses one of the largest Rocky Mountain Elk populations in the country; and with turkey, bear, and deer populations making a comeback, a new campground and new bike trail accent a tourist industry on the upswing. Manchester city water was even chosen in 2008 as having the best tasting water in a statewide competition. In fact, the local water treatment plant is now selling “Hope Water” as a commercial product.
         With this unusual avalanche of events, there is no question that Manchester’s cup of blessing is running over. What seemed like a mountain that was insurmountable is now becoming possible with GOD. Ironically, a community once considered "behind the times" has now become a compelling story for our times.


Wednesday, May 09, 2012



This news from Europe is chilling. A secretive plot has been uncovered to establish a new powerful executive position with unlimited powers to rule over the EU. Some have referred it to being a position of "Emperor," which was envisioned by Napoleon. This position no doubt will be the one that the Anti Christ will soon fill. Additionally, the three nations of Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland) are about to be "uprooted" from the EU. Both of these new events are shockingly parallel to Daniel chapter 2 and chapter 7. Jesus coming is closer than we think!!! Read Hal Lindsey's report at the bottom of this article. 


Friday May 4, 2012


SENIOR Eurocrats are secretly plotting to create a super-powerful EU president to realize their dream of abolishing ­Britain, we can reveal.
A covert group of EU foreign ministers has drawn up plans for merging the jobs currently done by Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council, and Jose Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission.
The new bureaucrat, who would not be directly elected by voters, is set to get sweeping control over the entire EU and force member countries into ever-greater political and economic union.

European Council President Herman Van Rompuy at an EU summit

Tellingly, the UK has been excluded from the confidential discussions within the shady “Berlin Group” of Europhile politicians, spearheaded by German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle.
"This is a truly ridiculous idea that must never be allowed to happen" Euro-MP Paul Nuttall, of the UK Independence Party 

Opponents fear the plan could create a modern-day equivalent of the European emperor envisaged by Napoleon Bonaparte or a return to the Holy Roman Empire of Charlemagne that dominated Europe in the Dark Ages.
They are concerned that David Cameron’s coalition Government is doing nothing to prevent the sinister plot. The secret talks were uncovered by Independent Labour peer Lord Stoddart of Swindon.

“This is a plot by people who want to abolish nation states and create a United States of Europe,” he said.
“The whole thing is barmy. These people are determined to achieve their final objective.

Tory backbench MP Douglas Carswell said: “It doesn’t matter how you arrange the offices of these technocrats, they are useless at arranging our lives for us and they are not elected so they have no legitimacy.
“My worry is that the president will end up having the charisma of Van Rompuy and the economic management skills of Barroso.”
Euro-MP Paul Nuttall, of the UK Independence Party, said: “This is a truly ridiculous idea that must never be allowed to happen. It sounds as if they are trying to go back to the days of the Holy Roman Emperor.”

At present, the two senior EU bureaucrats, Mr Barroso and Mr Van Rompuy, are locked in a bitter power struggle to determine who is the true big cheese or “grand fromage” in Europe. Former Portuguese premier Mr Barroso, who heads the EU’s executive arm and was elected to his post by members of the European Union, is understood to resent the rival fiefdom of Belgian Mr Van Rompuy, who was chosen by the heads of ­government of EU member states to represent them.

Under the plan, a single figure would be elected by Euro-MPs to perform both roles.
Supporters of the move believe that the rival presidencies are undermining the EU’s ability to speak with a single voice. They argue that merging the two jobs will create a powerful European leader who is capable of pursuing the federalist dream of a united Europe which has been severely shaken by the eurozone crisis.
Lord Stoddart confirmed the existence of the plot thanks to a parliamentary written answer in the House of Lords. He asked Foreign Office ministers to reveal what they knew about the merger talks.
In response to his inquiry, Tory Foreign Office minister Lord Howell of Guildford said: “We are aware of one group of EU foreign ministers meeting on an informal basis to discuss a variety of issues related to the future governance of the EU.
While the UK is not part of that group, we understand that one idea under discussion is a merger of the positions of president of the European Council and president of the European Commission.”

Lord Howell added: “A merger of the two presidencies would create a potential conflict of interest, undermine the quality of the EU’s decision-making processes and upset the institutional balance within the EU.” Lord Stoddart said: “These sorts of informal discussions within the EU have a habit of rapidly being transferred into formal proposals.
“Since the Government is not party to these discussions, its reservations are academic.
“Such a merger would represent a massive shift of power into the hands of a single, unelected bureaucrat. The Government should be taking this far more seriously and voicing its objections very strongly.”
He added: “The holder of this new office would be both Europe’s political and administrative leader, giving them far more powers than those given to the US president.
“It really is a great disappointment that we have a Conservative-led Government that is supposed to be Eurosceptic yet ministers just go along with this.”


Is Rome Reviving?

Hal Lindsey

I have been watching for a very important Biblical phenomenon to take place in Europe for over fifty years. It is a key piece of a prophetic scenario that must take place shortly before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. In chapters 2 and 7 of his book, the prophet Daniel predicted the successive rise of four Gentile world empires. God through Daniel said that these would be the only world empires that would rise before the coming of the Messiah and the establishment of His kingdom over the earth. These kingdoms were Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece and Rome. However, the fourth Kingdom would not be conquered but fade from power until it is miraculously revived again and rule for a little over seven years. Daniel predicts that Rome revive again through the power of a Satan-possessed man that will unite the ten-nations out of the ruins of the old Roman culture and people. His Biblical name is the "Antichrist." Daniel interpreted the prophetic symbols concerning this prophecy: "Thus he said: The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth (Rome), which will be different from all the other kingdoms, and it will devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it. As for the ten horns, OUT OF this kingdom (latterday Rome) ten kings will arise, and another (the Antichrist) will arise after them, he will be different from the previous ones and will subdue three kings ..." (Daniel 7:23-24 NASB)

According to this prophecy, Rome would fade from power between verses 23 and 24. Then it would be revived again initially in the form of ten nations out of the culture and people of the old Roman Empire. I believe we are finally seeing the groundwork of that predicted revival of the Roman Empire. Just listen to some electrifying quotes out of a recent article about secret plans being made to change the EU: "Senior Eurocrats are secretly plotting to create a super-powerful EU president to realize their dream of abolishing Britain." ... "Opponents fear the plan could create a modern-day equivalent of the ‘European emperor' envisaged by Napoleon Bonaparte or a return to the Holy Roman Empire of Charlemagne that dominated Europe in the Dark Ages." ... "It sounds as if they are trying to go back to the days of the Holy Roma Emperor." ... "Such a merger would represent a massive shift of power into the hands of a single, unelected bureaucrat ...The holder of this new office would be both Europe's political and administrative leader, giving him far more powers than those given to the US president."

You should read the entire article, but these key quotes reveal the purpose of planned actions that are right of the pages of Bible prophecy concerning the final stages of history before Christ returns. And even more important, they reveal that we are in the immediate general time of Christ secret coming to remove all true Christian believers some seven years before Christ's return to earth in an event known as the Rapture. The appointment of this new leader could be the beginning of the career of the antichrist. People will not fully realize it at the beginning stages. But he is the one that will bring together the revival of Rome and the beginning of the final seven years of this age theologically known as the Tribulation. The proposed removal from the EU of the UK composed of England, Ireland and Scotland could even possibly refer to the predicted removal of three nations in Daniel's above prophecy.

Folks, time is drawing short. It is time for all Christians to focus on bringing as many as possible to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior. It is also time to seek to grow in our faith and stand for Truth of God's Word. Jesus died in our place and purchased a pardon for our sins. We must be sure that we have received that gift and turn to following Him.

Saturday, May 05, 2012



Even though it is forbidden for Chinese Christians to share the gospel in their country, CBN News has obtained exclusive images of Christians worshipping in the countryside. Revival is sweeping China.  Millions are accepting Christ.  Miracles are occurring like in the Book of Acts!  In a few years, China will become the largest Christian nation in the world!  God is mightily at work in this great nation!


Nate suffered a traumatic brain injury when he fell off a ladder at work. Doctors gave him little chance of survival.  Christians gathered at the hospital to pray.  What happened next shocked the doctors!  The Great Physician came and took over

Saturday, April 28, 2012


It was an incredible day of cleaning up our lovely city here in Laurinburg, North Carolina!! East Laurinburg Pentecostal Holiness Church, which committed itself recently to taking the community back from polluters, litterers, drug dealers and more, was joined by several other churches, friends, and community leaders!! There were many volunteers from East Laurinburg Pentecostal Holiness Church. Headed by Gray Ammons and Major Broughton, this group took on a one mile stretch of Old Lumberton Road, the second group headed up by Pastor Edds, and Minister Ed Howard targeted Main Street (starting a Church Street) to the railroad crossing. Biggs and Atkinson Streets, all side streets and alleys and parking lots were cleaned up. We collected 925 pounds of trash!!! Main Street is shining and so is Old Lumberton Road!!

Thank God for our new partners!! We were joined by five outstanding young men from Grace Baptist Church, one adult and three youth from Northview Harvest Ministries, eight from The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, two from the Church of the Living Word, one from Multitudes Church and two from Laurinburg Presbyterian Church. There were 33 volunteers on our two teams!!!

Business owners who worked in the clean up of Main Street were Stephania Smith of Coffee, Tea and Thee, Terry Gullman of Hi-Lites, Tamera Tiejen of Bella Notte, and Jeanette Herlocker of The HelpLine. Chief of Police Johnny Evans, Minister Eddie Howard of Men of Valor Ministry, Rev. Richard Butler of Northview Ministries and Andrew G. Williamson, Jr of the Laurinburg City Council worked side by side with us all!! 

Some observations were made by our group during the cleanup that will help keep Main Street pristine. They are:

Each store owner should daily sweep and clean up the entrance to and the sidewalk in front of their business. Clean up behind the store building also. Behind one legal office, we found hundreds of cigarette butts, and a tremendous amount of trash.
It would be greatly beneficial if businesses that have parking lots or spaces would clean up these lots at least once a week. At one business, we picked up many, many plastic tips for small cigars plus many liquor bottles. This is not good advertising!
It would be great for the city to sweep Main Street once a week with the city sweeper/cleaning truck. This would keep the streets and curbs clean.
There was much debris underneath the beautiful benches on the Main Street sidewalks. We found a broken coffee maker and pot under one of the benches. We picked up much trash under the benches but there are much leaves and dirt. It would be a great help if the city workers who clean up Main Street would sweep and clean up under these benches at least once a week.
There are weeds growing along the sidewalk on Main Street and in some of the planters. We pulled up several of these. I encourage business owners to take pride by keeping these weeds pulled up. The city street workers could spray these weeds with an herbicide, which would eliminate the problem.
Citizens who are walking down the streets should take responsibility by picking up trash they see along Main Street and putting in the trash cans. We all have a responsibility to keep the city clean.
In other areas of the city and county, churches should adopt the streets, roads or blocks on which they are located. We have over 200 plus churches in our county. If all would do this, much of our county would be clean. Come on pastors, let's get our congregations motivated in keep God's earth clean!

Laurinburg is a beautiful North Carolinian city and Scotland County is picturesque. Tragically, both are being buried underneath trash being thrown down by people who care for no one but themselves. It is going to take all responsible citizens, governmental agencies, churches and civic groups consistently working to keep our city and county clean. Let us all ban together and continue to take our community back!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The MOST Important Video About Israel You'll Ever See!

The actual land of Israel is responding to the return of the Jewish People!!  Incredible things are happening. The land is blossoming like the rose.  The waste places are being rebuilt.  Prophecy is being fulfilled!  The Messiah is coming soon!!

Saturday, April 07, 2012



When a sleeping child must be awakened, a loving parent takes
him by the shoulders and gently shakes him. If the child doesn't
wake up immediately, the shaking becomes a bit firmer. The
parent insists, because he knows the child will suffer if he doesn't
wake up on time.

That is precisely what God is doing right now-both to America
and to the world. At first, He shook us very tenderly but now His
shaking has become violent, because He has not succeeded in
awakening us.

The Lord began to literally shake the earth with earthquakes in
the late 1980s. A quake in Armenia wiped out almost that entire
province. A quake in Japan measuring 6.9 nearly destroyed an
entire city. Then came the horrible quake in San Francisco, with
more following almost daily in that area. Quakes hit the West
Coast constantly, from northern California to San Diego and
down into Mexico.

Isaiah prophesies that God will one day rise up and shake the
whole earth: "Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty . . . and
turneth it upside down. . . . All joy is darkened, the mirth of the
land is gone. . . . When thus it shall be in the midst of the land
among the people, there shall be as the shaking of an olive tree"
(Isaiah 24:1, 11, 13). God is going to shake the earth as if it were
an olive tree-till every bit of fruit falls.

Ezekiel says that when God's fury arises, He will shake all that
can be shaken: "All the men that are upon the face of the earth,
shall shake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown
down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to
the ground. . . . And I will be known in the eyes of many nations,
and they shall know that I am the Lord" (Ezekiel 38:20 and 23).

The writer of Hebrews says: "Yet once more I shake not the earth
only, but also heaven. . . . That [only] those things which cannot
be shaken may remain" (Hebrews 12:26-27).

God is going to shake everything in sight so that He is revealed
as the only unshakable power!

Friday, April 06, 2012


God showed up when the LEADERS repented for their programs and structures - and God did some amazing work cleaning up the drug problem. On that issue a great fire started burning! But God sent Doug Perry to Manchester, Kentucky a year or so later to urge them to not just repent for the drug problem, but repent for their faction, division, denominationalism within the Body of Christ and THEN see how much God showed up!

Saturday, March 17, 2012



Seventeen men, women, and teens from East Laurinburg Pentecostal Holiness Church met on Saturday, March 17, 2012 with a big task at hand.  They were committed to cleaning up litter on one mile of Old Lumberton Road beginning at Sanford Road and crossing over the tracks clear up to the stop light at Church Street. 

The area has been an eye sore for some time with beer bottles, trash, dirty diapers, paper and a variety of other debris strewn along the road.  The filth was ruining the beauty of the community.  The group picked up 830 gallons of trash!  It looks like a new neighborhood.  Merchants and residents of the area came out an thanked the group for their efforts.  

To hold litterers accountable, hidden cameras will be installed in strategic areas along the route to catch polluters in action.  The pictures will be turned over to police for prosecution.  At the end of the clean up, Pastor Michael Edds treated the groups to a great meal at Burger King.  Many enjoyed the french fries and green ketchup!!

Additionally, a neighborhood watch is being reactivated by several residents in the area to bring a halt to the speeding, loud music coming from vehicles, drugs, crime and trashing of a good community.   The group will have the neighborhood under video and picture surveillance. The evidence of violations will be promptly turn over to police.   License plate numbers will also be sent to the police.  

Many residents have grown tired of the loud music coming from cars at all hours of the night and speeding.  At 1:30 am on Saturday, March 17, two vehicles were drag racing down Ward Street.  The drivers were reported to the police.  Those breaking the law, disturbing the peace and polluting the neighborhood will be held accountable.  The community IS taking the neighborhood back.

There are over 150 churches in Laurinburg.  There are many businesses and community groups also. This beautiful city is being buried under litter! If all would make a similar commitment to cleaning up their neighborhoods of trash, crime and noise that the East Laurinburg Pentecostal Holiness Church and the neighborhood there is doing, Laurinburg will clean and safe again.

Monday, March 12, 2012

100 Year Old Prophecies of Revival Are Coming to Pass!

The great Azusa Street Awakening, which over the years resulted in 600 million being swept into the Kingdom of God and gave birth to the Pentecostal Movement, began in 1906. It was one of the greatest outpourings of the Spirit of God since Pentecost. Multitudes were saved, healed, and filled with the Holy Spirit. Incredible miracles occurred.

This great revival moved from Los Angeles to its new focal point of Chicago, Illinois. The two great centers of revival in Chicago were the North Avenue Mission and the Stone Church. Pentecost swept from Chicago to Canada, Europe, South America and Africa. One of the greatest outpourings occurred at Stone Church in 1913. The renown evangelist Maria Woodworth Etter began a revival on July 2, 1913 at Stone Church.

The services were to last until the end of July but continued for six months. This was a time of divine appointment for the city of Chicago; God rent the heavens and came down!! Scenes from the days of the Early Church began to occur at Stone Church. Word began to spread throughout Chicago of miraculous healings, deliverance from demonic possession, conversions, and of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit happening in these meetings. Advertisement was no longer necessary! The city was incredibly shaken.

Word spread of the miraculous intervention of God. Thousands came on trolleys, buggies, and trains, while many walked. Some came from distances of 1,600 miles away. 1200 to 1500 packed into Stone Church each night. The basement was filled and many stood out on the street. Street meetings were held to accommodate them. Three services were held on Sundays!

As Christians prayed around the altar one evening, Sister Woodworth-Etter and others gave the following powerful prophecy and divine promise, which they prophesied would occur within 100 years of the 1913 Chicago Visitation. She prophesied of this coming End Time Revival....

“We are not yet up to the fullness of the Former Rain and that when the Latter Rain comes, it will far exceed anything we have seen!”

Rev. William Seymour, the leader of the Azusa Street Awakening, also prophesied that in 100 years there would be an outpouring of God's Spirit and His Shekinah Glory that would be greater and more far reaching than what was experienced at Azusa.

It has been almost 100 years since these prophecies were given. In my own beloved church, I am seeing the beginnings of this prophecy being fulfilled. Young adults, married couples, youth and older adults are being converted. We have set up a new converts class in which 22 are enrolled! Our nursery, which for so long was near empty, is now crowded. Healing and miracles are occurring! The anointing of the Holy Spirit on the services is heavy and growing each week. Something IS happening!! I believe that we have reached the time of the fulfillment of these 100 year old prophecies. We must be diligent to pray, intercede and protect what the Lord is doing. We must encourage and edify one another as never before. We must crucify every critical, judgmental and religious spirit that may be within us. We must put on the holiness and righteousness of Christ. Our time of divine destiny has come. We are about to experience what Brother Seymour and Sister Woodworth-Etter foresaw. God is about to rend the heavens and come down! The greatest revival in the history of the church is at hand!