Thursday, February 23, 2006

God's Method for Revival

God's Method for Revival

Words from other authors

In Luke 1:34 we find another lesson on revival. Here Mary asks the angel Gabriel, "How can these things be, since I do not know a man?" How can an inexperienced young girl bring forth the visitation of God without the help of man? To the natural mind, such things seem completely impossible. Nevertheless, Zech. 4:6 reminds us that the works of God are not born by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit. True revival is not the product of human planning and creative fund raising. Revival is never dependent upon our temporal holdings and material assets. The only assets the Church of Acts had on the day of Pentecost was a 120 humble intercessors. Still, there are those who claim that if they just had enough money and manpower, they could revive America and save the world. All such boasting is complete nonsense!

For too long the Church has been victimized by ambitious men who cut corners by leaning on the arm of the flesh. No amount of promotion and clever scheming will ever make God's Kingdom come to earth. E. M. Bounds plainly states it this way, "It is much easier to engineer a great religious movement by human forces than it is to break our hearts and humble ourselves in the dust before God." In Luke 1:35 Gabriel answers Mary's question in the following way, "And the angel answered and said unto her, 'The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee.'" In other words, stop looking to MAN and start seeking God alone as your Provider and strength. Revival power is born of the Spirit through faith and humility, not by the power of fleshly methods. Are we planning and pleading with fickle men, when we should be fervently praying to a faithful God?

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