Thursday, July 03, 2008

Darkness Is Coming!!!

by Michael Edds

In the fall of 2004, I had a dream. It was so real and terrifying that I had to get up from my bed. The following is an account of the dream:
“I was visiting my birthplace, a small village in the beautiful Greenbrier Valley of West Virginia. I pulled my car off the road and parked in front of the old Methodist Church. I got out of the car to stretch my legs. The day was absolutely pristine and picture perfect. The sky was cloudless, the sun bright, and the air fresh and crystal clear. I was admiring the beautiful flowers growing in people’s yards. Many were busy working in their yards and gardens on such a gorgeous day. There was such peace and serenity.
I turned and looked toward the southeast. I was astonished at what I saw. A billowing cloud of complete blackness was suddenly approaching the town. It completely blotted out all light and scenery where it advanced and covered. It approached the village limits, which was a river southeast of the community.
I made the comment, “Oh my God, the Darkness has come!” I sensed great evil and danger in it. I looked around to see if anyone else saw what I saw. To my amazement, people were oblivious to the approaching wall of darkness. They were still busy working in their yards and around their homes.
I made the statement, “They do not realize what it will be like when the Darkness comes. All of the sun light, beauty of nature and peace will disappear when the Darkness moves in. Everything in their lives will suddenly and drastically change.”
I turned to get into my car to flee the approaching Darkness. All of a sudden, six motorcyclists drove out of the blackness and across the bridge into the town. I gasped, "The advance guard of the Darkness has arrived!" These riders were on black motorcycles and dressed in black leather from head to toe.
I jumped into my car as they approached. They slowed down as they reached my car and the leader yelled out, “Don’t you dare leave!” I locked my car doors as he approached and floored the gas pedal. My tires squealed as I fled. The motorcyclists pursued me and tried to force me off the road. I swerved into two and caused them to wreck. The rest pursued me for many miles and shot at me.
After some distance, I approached some men working on the road and asked for help or to make a call for me to the police. The cyclist were no longer in sight. I started to get out of the car but heard a voice from above warning me to not to get out of the car but to drive on. Finally, I realized that I was running out of gas and stopped down the road to refuel. I pulled up to a gas station and started refueling. The dream ended with me praying for God’s protection while I refueled.

When I awoke, I was trembling with fear. I got up to settle myself.
The parts of the dream that stood out were:
1. The Darkness suddenly came upon the land.
2. Before it came, all was serene, beautiful and peaceful.
3. No one saw it coming.
4. An advanced guard came into the community first on a reconnaissance mission.
5. The Darkness then moved in and totally blotted out all light and beauty. Life drastically changed for people.
6. I fled for safety.
America is on the threshold of something cataclysmic that will radically change life, as we know it. A wall of Darkness is about to suddenly fall upon this land.

John 16:13 tells us that the Holy Spirit will tell us of things to come. He warns us in advance to prepare us for what is ahead.
Hebrews 11:7 records, “…Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen, moved with Godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his household….”

An advance guard of this Darkness is already at work. People are living in a false sense of complacent security. I believe that the cup of iniquity is full in America, which will unleash divine judgment upon this nation. Something is about to shatter the hardness of this wicked nation’s heart.

God has revealed to me that a Great Awakening is about to burst forth upon the scene. This Awakening will give America and the world one last chance to repent. Most importantly, it will bring the Bride of Christ together. Historically, Awakenings have preceded calamity. This could happen again. However, the coming Darkness may actually precede the Final Awakening and be the cause of people turning to God, which would bring about the Awakening.

May God’s people listen to the warning of the Holy Spirit and move with Godly fear to the saving of their households and neighborhoods. God desires for us to prepare an ark of safety to which people can flee for refuge when disaster comes. Let us listen and quickly move. Darkness is coming!


  1. I totally believe this to be true. I'm also praying for a last awakening. The Holy Spirit is warning His people about America. I had a dream a few months ago where the Lord said to me: "Tell Susie (she is a friend of mine) to build a wall of contention around her house." In the dream, I went to her house & told her about what God had said. She then started building a huge wall around her house. I think that Susie happened to be symbolic. I think she means America. The Lord showed me cracks on the protective wall surrounding America. Ever since, I have been telling people about my dream & encouraging to pray about the wall. Many are indiferent, only a few will listen. A few weeks after my dream, I was in bed, and as soon as I got up from bed, I heard the voice of the Lord very clearly telling me, "Pray against the Sharia Law." The Lord is warning us of what's coming to this land. The darkness that you saw is exactly what is coming. The Sharia Law is diabolical, and evil & the enemy is seeking to introduce it in sleeping America. Let's continue to pray for our country. Certainly, the Lord will allow darkness to cover the land, but after the darkness, light will follow through, and that will be the great awakening that we are seeking. God bless!

  2. Bonnie2:47 PM

    God richly bless you, Michael! I am so glad to have found your blog.

    I haven't had dreams or visions, just "gut" feelings that something is coming that will drastically change our lives as we've known it and that we need to prepare. However, I've been floundering about just how to prepare. Don't know if you can help there, but I thought I'd throw it out there just in case.

  3. Shalom Micheal, I have been shown in my SPIRIT that DARKNESS is all around us as the DARKNESS is growing, EVIL IS GROWING, HATE IS GROWING, Christians are excepting things and laws that are NOT God's Law. USA has turned from the Lord ( ADONAI) and taken on EVIL WAYS, and as I read your post above it is what I feel in the SPIRIT also . I do believe the HOLY SPIRIT is leading us and showing us GET IN THE ARK NOW ( Jesus is that ARK ) .. I think of ISAIAH "ASHES TO BEAUTY" for God's Children , We are mouring now for the Loss , Praying, and knowing DARKNESS is upon us. But there will be BEAUTY that comes at the END of it ALL , This is a SPIRITUAL WARFARE & A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING going on right now,much grieving, Prayers, and persecution for the CHOSEN are in the works are we are preparing for the coming of Jesus Christ.... All I can do is all the Lord ask me to do and know GOD IS GOD , & GOD IS THE WORD, and be willing to lay down my LIFE for YESHUA/JESUS that is my SAVIOR and then the BEAUTY I will see! Thank you Bro.Michael for sharing your DREAM with us ! GODSPEED AND SHALOM <><
