Friday, October 29, 2010

Two Young Men Sell Themselves Into Slavery to Win the Lost!

Two Young Moravians Sell Selves Into Slavery to Win the Lost!!

Two young Moravian men in their early twenties became heavily burdened for the souls of Africans being sold into slavery. After approaching a West Indies plantation owner for permission to set up a mission outreach at his plantation, they were sorely disappointed.  The plantation owner wanted nothing to do with Christianity and he strictly forbade any attempt to evangelize his slaves.  So determined were they to reach the lost, the two young Moravians sold themselves into slavery and went to the dock to be shipped with new slaves to the planation.  What a passion for lost souls that they were willing to pay the ultimate price!  They counted their lives as nothing for the sake of the Master.  What price are we willing to pay to reach lost humanity?

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