Monday, November 01, 2010

The Great Revival in Charleston, South Carolina, 1857

 The Great Revival of 1857 in Charleston, South Carolina

In 1857, black and white believers met at the Anson Street Presbyterian Church in Charleston, South Carolina for prayer for revival.  They fell on their faces, repented and then cried out to God for the salvation of loved ones and friends.  They were desperate for a move of God in their city.  All of a sudden, the heavens were rent over Charleston.  God came down!  Revival fire swept through the church and then the city.  Shock waves went out from there to New York City, where Jeremiah Lamphier was praying in like manner at a Fulton Street church.  Revival then swept New York City and then the nation.  Within one year, one million souls were won to Christ.  Churches were full and overflowing.  A church in Beaufort, South Carolina received 400 new converts in three days!!  
Believers in Charleston are praying for the reopening of this "old well of revival" in their city.  God IS going to answer!!


  1. Thank you for posting this inspiring testimony if God's move in Charleston, SC. I believe that a reformation is on our doorstep or the imminent return of Christ. Either will be a glorious day.

  2. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Revival, God is the answer. He will do it again. God is not finished with America yet.

  3. Yes, revival is coming to Charleston. The fire of revival was lit(started) in Charleston on Jan 03, 2018. Many intercessors were positioned in Charleston. It was a very heavy demonic battle that was taking place over Charleston. The battle was very intense, but get ready, a great move is getting ready to take place in Charleston!

  4. YES! REvival is on the way. Let us all join together in prayer for the next move of God.
