Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
THE GOSPEL - POWERFUL!!!!!!!!! (Eric Ludy)
Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.
born again,
Jesus Christ,
Michael Edds,
power of God,
Romans 1:16,
the Gospel
Monday, November 28, 2011
"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."“Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord…”
Would you think that a rank sinner would say, “Lord, Lord”? Could you see a New Ager, a Mormon, a Satanist saying this? The fact it is said twice, is done to be emphatic. Christ would say from time to time, “Verily, verily, I say to you…” He repeated himself to make a point that He meant business. It would be like someone saying, “Look at me, look at me please.” The person would be compelled to look, wouldn’t he? So who are these people who say so emphatically, “Lord, Lord…”? I would like to present to you that they are “Christians”, or at least that’s what they were led to believe, anyway.
Let’s read on.
“…have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?”
See? These poor souls went through their lives doing “good deeds” for Christ. They prophesied, they cast out demons and they did many wonderful works all in the name of Christ.
Did it matter? What did Jesus respond with?
“…And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
Wow! Imagine being a “Christian”, going through your life, going to church, being the head chair stacker, ten or twelve Bibles in your home, gone to seminary, casting out demons all over the place, prophesying, doing, doing, doing…then you’re faced with this.
“Depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.”
The most amazing thing that I read here is further down.
“Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man…”
But weren’t those above doing good works for Christ? Here He says He will liken you who hear His sayings and do them to a wise man. So what’s going on here? First Jesus condemns those to hell who do good works in His name, then He commends those who hear His words and does them.
Am I missing something here?
I sat here looking at this passage for some time and then something popped out at me:
“I never knew you…”
What does the word ‘knew‘ mean?
Greek: Ginosko
to learn to know, come to know, get a knowledge of perceive, feel
to become known
to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge of
to understand
to know
Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse between a man and a woman
to become acquainted with, to know
Is it safe to say that we can relate Jesus knowing you as a man would know his wife? What would this entail? Every facet, every detail, every thing in her life, he would know intimately. Everything without one iota left out. Can you say this about Jesus? It’s a two way street you know. As a husband sets out to know his wife, so does the wife set out to know him. How is this accomplished? By researching through books, articles and watching videos? By doing online searches? By asking others about him? No. By actually spending time in his presence and soaking him up. She lingers in his presence, enjoying him, reveling in him, watching him, studying him, getting to know him. Do you do this with Jesus? Do you spend time with Him like this? Do you run to His side in the morning? Or do you run to a foreigner’s side? If Jesus came back right now, would he find you in the throws of passion with another? Spiritually speaking of course. Jesus is coming back for His bride, and if He comes back to a woman who has been in the sack with every Tom, Dick and Henry around, He will be quite safe in saying, “I never knew you…”
Think about it…your eternity’s at stake.
eternal death,
Jesus Christ,
Michael Edds,
the devil,
the pit,
Thursday, November 24, 2011
In 1981, the former chief rabbi of Jerusalem and two other rabbis tunneled under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. They discovered an underground room not far from where the Holy of Holies once stood. Entering into this room, the rabbis were astonished to discover relics of the First Temple such as the Table of Show Bread, temple vessels and most importantly the Ark of the Covenant.
The Ark had been taken to this hidden room by the Prophet Jeremiah shortly before the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians 2,500 years ago.
The Ark had been taken to this hidden room by the Prophet Jeremiah shortly before the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians 2,500 years ago.
The rabbis are awaiting the rebuilding of the Third Temple, which many orthodox Jews believe is imminent. Upon completion of the Temple, the Ark will be brought out and placed in the Holy of Holies again.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
"For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient." (Ephesians 5:5-6)
This video is a POWERFUL warning to flee the Wrath of God, which is about to fall upon this wicked generation. View this video and repent before God of all sin that has infiltrated your life.
Ephesians 5,
judgment of God,
Michael Edds,
wrath of God
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Angelic Choirs Singing During the Great Revivals of History
Angelic Choirs Singing During the Great Revivals of History
During great awakenings and historic revivals, Heavenly choirs have joined in with the people of God to worship the Lord. During the Hebrides Awakening of 1947, Rev. Duncan Campbell and others were crossing the moors to minister to a nearby village. Suddenly, the heavens were filled with the voices of angels singing. The group dropped to their knees in great reverence and worshiped God. A similar occurrence took place in the Azusa Street Awakening of 1907 in Los Angeles. The following are a few of the exciting historical accounts of the angelic choirs responding to the divine move of God on earth.
I sat enthralled as a humble Indian man addressed a large congregation in Adelaide, South Australia. Rev. Larno Longchar was describing an amazing revival sweeping the length and breadth of his home state of Nagaland. His local church alone now had 15,000 members. Four times in one year its building had to be extended to accommodate those who were being saved.
The 'outpouring' began in 1976 after the 'Baptist' churches in Nagaland had kept their pledge to pray for revival. Their twenty-four-hour-a-day prayer chain had continued unbroken for an entire year.
As a direct result of the revival, the state's smoking, drinking, cinema attendance, divorce and suicide rates all dramatically fell. A flabbergasted magistrate reported that in six months only one criminal case had appeared before his city's courts. Repentance was so widespread and genuine that precautions like locking houses became quite unnecessary. Former Hindus and head-hunters joined the ranks of fervent Christians confessing their sins and praying for hours at a time.
I could detect no boasting in Rev. Longchar's address. He spoke of himself surprisingly little. A major recurring theme was that there was nothing unique about his state's experience. He insisted that we could have the same type of revival.
The following is a slightly condensed transcript of part of the message I heard on March 8, 1981. (Used by permission) The incident described would have occurred no more than five years previous. Rev. Longchar told us:
'In one of the district capitals, near Burma, we had [a] revival meeting for four days. There were 35,000 people in a crusade.
'One of our friends was preaching. God used him in a very wonderful way that morning. About 10,000 people rushed to the pulpit to confess their sins - to acknowledge the lordship of Jesus Christ in their hearts. There was a deep confession of sin going on. We were helping the people - about five hundred of us - as counsellors. When we were praying, we heard a sound of angels singing - a huge group of people singing in the sky above. [It was a] very lovely song:"Jesus is coming soon:
Troublous times,
Jesus is coming soon.
Repent, repent, repent."[My comment: If you think this prophecy to be premature, I don't know what you will make of Revelation 22:20.]
'It was so lovely.
'For ten minutes the angels continued to sing. We didn't see them, but we heard the sound. Oh, it was so wonderful!
'One of my friends took his tape recorder and recorded this song.
'Our people love to sing that song - all over Nagaland today. They receive much blessing through singing it.' [Emphasis Larno's]
Rev. Longchar's description of the angelic singing as 'so lovely' should not be taken lightly. After visiting Nagaland, Pastor Des Short, of New Zealand, described the Naga people as 'exceptionally musical.' He claimed that, in marked contrast to western people, the majority of Naga people are born with perfect pitch. Even children at play sing in four-part harmony.
The 'outpouring' began in 1976 after the 'Baptist' churches in Nagaland had kept their pledge to pray for revival. Their twenty-four-hour-a-day prayer chain had continued unbroken for an entire year.
As a direct result of the revival, the state's smoking, drinking, cinema attendance, divorce and suicide rates all dramatically fell. A flabbergasted magistrate reported that in six months only one criminal case had appeared before his city's courts. Repentance was so widespread and genuine that precautions like locking houses became quite unnecessary. Former Hindus and head-hunters joined the ranks of fervent Christians confessing their sins and praying for hours at a time.
I could detect no boasting in Rev. Longchar's address. He spoke of himself surprisingly little. A major recurring theme was that there was nothing unique about his state's experience. He insisted that we could have the same type of revival.
The following is a slightly condensed transcript of part of the message I heard on March 8, 1981. (Used by permission) The incident described would have occurred no more than five years previous. Rev. Longchar told us:
'In one of the district capitals, near Burma, we had [a] revival meeting for four days. There were 35,000 people in a crusade.
'One of our friends was preaching. God used him in a very wonderful way that morning. About 10,000 people rushed to the pulpit to confess their sins - to acknowledge the lordship of Jesus Christ in their hearts. There was a deep confession of sin going on. We were helping the people - about five hundred of us - as counsellors. When we were praying, we heard a sound of angels singing - a huge group of people singing in the sky above. [It was a] very lovely song:"Jesus is coming soon:
Troublous times,
Jesus is coming soon.
Repent, repent, repent."[My comment: If you think this prophecy to be premature, I don't know what you will make of Revelation 22:20.]
'It was so lovely.
'For ten minutes the angels continued to sing. We didn't see them, but we heard the sound. Oh, it was so wonderful!
'One of my friends took his tape recorder and recorded this song.
'Our people love to sing that song - all over Nagaland today. They receive much blessing through singing it.' [Emphasis Larno's]
Rev. Longchar's description of the angelic singing as 'so lovely' should not be taken lightly. After visiting Nagaland, Pastor Des Short, of New Zealand, described the Naga people as 'exceptionally musical.' He claimed that, in marked contrast to western people, the majority of Naga people are born with perfect pitch. Even children at play sing in four-part harmony.
Commencing at Beddgelert in 1817, a powerful move of God resulted in the salvation of multiplied thousands of Welsh people. From the midst of this move comes a report of people transfixed by what seemed to be massed heavenly choirs in the air singing songs of praise. (Orr, p100)
Decades later, (1851-2) in a small Montgomeryshire village, angelic singing signalled the commencement of a local Welsh revival. It was heard by a few disheartened Christians leaving their church after a seemingly fruitless week-long series of prayer meetings for revival. The 'indistinct' (Because it was in an angelic language?) but melodious sounds seemed to come from high above the church they had just left.
Next day, they discovered that many others in the district had heard the same beautiful music. Some had even gone outside to hear it and concluded it must be angelic. No other explanation was ever found.
Soon hundreds were flocking to the churches and experiencing the prayed-for outpouring of the Spirit. (Brown and Butterworth, p391 f)
Decades later, (1851-2) in a small Montgomeryshire village, angelic singing signalled the commencement of a local Welsh revival. It was heard by a few disheartened Christians leaving their church after a seemingly fruitless week-long series of prayer meetings for revival. The 'indistinct' (Because it was in an angelic language?) but melodious sounds seemed to come from high above the church they had just left.
Next day, they discovered that many others in the district had heard the same beautiful music. Some had even gone outside to hear it and concluded it must be angelic. No other explanation was ever found.
Soon hundreds were flocking to the churches and experiencing the prayed-for outpouring of the Spirit. (Brown and Butterworth, p391 f)
A remarkable parallel occurred across the English Channel, nearly two centuries earlier.
A revival in 'the valleys of Dauphiny,' amongst Protestants in late Seventeenth Century France, was cited by John Wesley as proof that God acts in a supernatural way. (Wesley, vol. X, p56b) This Cevennol revival was preceded by widespread reports of 'strange sounds in the air: the sound of a trumpet and a harmony of voices.' And in Orthès it was said that in every house resided at least one person who had heard heavenly music. (Heath, p121, 126)
A revival in 'the valleys of Dauphiny,' amongst Protestants in late Seventeenth Century France, was cited by John Wesley as proof that God acts in a supernatural way. (Wesley, vol. X, p56b) This Cevennol revival was preceded by widespread reports of 'strange sounds in the air: the sound of a trumpet and a harmony of voices.' And in Orthès it was said that in every house resided at least one person who had heard heavenly music. (Heath, p121, 126)
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
While renowned scholars try to tell us that King David and Solomon are mythical characters, some bible believing archaeologists have unearthed the palace of King David.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Temple at the Center of Time
'Temple Mount points to location of lost Ark'
In"Temple at the Center of Time: Newton's Bible Codex Deciphered and the Year 2012,"by David Flynn, a book that has skyrocketed up the best-seller charts before its official release later this month, says his studies of the Temple Mount strongly suggest the Ark will be found at Mount Nebo in Jordan.
The discovery would be the greatest archeological find ever – as has been suggested in popular movies such as "Raiders of the Lost Ark."
In"Temple at the Center of Time,"Flynn makes the case that the Temple Mount, the home of the Jewish temples, was not just a place of religious worship. It is also is a roadmap to future events – a kind of prophetic landmark whose significance is only now revealed through the development of satellite imagery.
The book asserts it has "deciphered Isaac Newton’s greatest paradox: None other than 'the unified field theory' of Bible prophecy."
Sir Isaac Newton was not only a great thinker in physics, the book explains, but had extensive knowledge of the Scriptures with a special interest in prophecy. Newton believed there was a hidden code, a type of time-encrypted language. He believed the key to deciphering this code was the Temple of Solomon. He wrote extensively on the length measurements of the Temple and suggested it intersected time and dimension, serving as a prophetic and supernatural structure.
According to Flynn, although Newton never cracked this code, he was on the right track and was limited only by the lack of sophisticated satellite technology.
"The description of Jerusalem as a terrestrial centerpoint, situated in the center of the world, is found in Philo's Legatio and Gaium," Flynn notes. "The world is like a human eyeball. The white of the eye is the ocean surrounding the world, the iris is this continent, the pupil is Jerusalem, and the image in the pupil is the Holy Temple."
Many historians speculate that because Babylon destroyed the Temple of Solomon, it also removed the Ark to Babylon. There it is said the Ark was eventually destroyed along with the other artifacts from the temple, the gold melted down and set into coins for their treasury. But the Book of Daniel makes specific mention of the golden menorah from the temple of Jerusalem in the palace of Belshazzar. The Babylonian king had preserved it, a major artifact from the Jewish temple, in an attempt to demonstrate the superiority of Babylon's gods to the God of the Hebrews. That the menorah was set on display in this manner underscores how unlikely the Babylonians would have been to destroy the Ark, the greatest symbol of the God of the Hebrews.
Certain tracts of the Midot in the Jewish Talmud dealing with temple laws, practices and rituals allude to the creation of more than one Ark, the second made as a decoy to protect the original. They claim that certain articles of the temple furnishing including the true Ark remain in a secret vault underneath the temple mount in Jerusalem.
However, others discount the likelihood of the Ark being left to fate under the Temple Mount, open to any treasure hunter with the motivation to merely dig. It is difficult to explain how the location could remain secret, as Jerusalem remained open for excavation and plundering for hundreds of years after its fall to the Romans in AD 70. Motivated treasure seekers over the ensuing centuries have had ample time to excavate the area underneath the temple.
The recovery of temple treasure of Solomon was the highest goal of the Knights Templar that established their center on the Temple Mount during the crusades.
Various Judaic sects of Ethiopia believe the Ark has been guarded and kept in the city of Axum in their country for thousands of years. The legend claims it was brought to Axum by the son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, Prince Menelik I.
Some historians believe the Egyptians took the ark and hid it underground in the city of Tanis, the seat of Shishak’s dynasty. The location was lost over the course of history. That was the theory behind the first "Indiana Jones" movie.
But all of these theories are discounted by Flynn, who points out the Ark was a central focus of worship during the reign of King Josiah – long after the reign of Solomon.
Meanwhile, the book of 2 Maccabees 2:4 explains that before the destruction of Solomon’s temple by the Babylonians in 587 BC, the Ark was hidden by the prophet Jeremiah in a cave at the base of Mount Nebo in the Pisgah range of Jordan. Maccabees, as well as other Apocryphal works, are retained in modern Catholic bibles as well as the Septuagint and Vulgate.The account of the Ark from 2 Maccabees is also mentioned in the Jewish Talmud, in Huriot 12A and Tractate Yoma 72a. These texts explain that the Ark's location would not be recovered until the Jews were brought back to Israel following the Diaspora, an event that occurred in 1948. The pseudopigraphic book 2 Baruch, written near the1stcentury, repeats the prophetic age in which the Ark would be recovered: "Oh earth ... guard them [the temple vessels and the Ark] until the last times, So that, when thou art ordered, thou mayst restore them, So that strangers may not get possession of them. For the time comes when Jerusalem also will be delivered for a time, until it is said, that it is again restored for ever."
According to the Bible , the greatest prophet of all time was Moses, which states, "And there arose not a prophet (neba) since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face." Ironically, according to the Bible, Mount Nebo was the site of the death of Moses.
The Hebrew wordsnobe, meaning "high place," andnahab,meaning "to hollow out," "gate," or "pupil of the eye," also correlate with the location for the resting place of the ark in a "hollow cave" on Mount Nebo, described in 2 Maccabees, says Flynn.
Mount Nebo is 25.20 nautical miles due East of Jerusalem – and Flynn finds significance in that distance related to his study of the Temple Mount and its mystical placement "at the center of time and space."
Before it is even officially released,"Temple at the Center of Time"is causing a sensation in some circles where it is being compared to "The Bible Code.
Monday, September 19, 2011
One day, in 1978, Ron Wyatt, an American Christian archaeologist , decided to go sightseeing near the Damascus Gate, in Jerusalem. Walking along an ancient stone quarry, known to some as "the Calvary Escarpment," he was talking with a local authority about Roman antiquities. Without warning, Ron's left hand pointed to a site being used as a rubbish dump and said, "That's Jeremiah's Grotto and the Ark of the Covenant is in there."
Also in that cave Ron found the seven branch candlestick, a giant sword (with no inscriptions, but possibly Goliath's), an ephod, the wilderness tabernacle, the altar of incense among other things. Ron has returned to the cave on occasion, and since his first visit the cave has been completely tidied up. Ron has been told (although he stresses he does not hear voices, and is not a prophet) that the time is not yet for the world to see this discovery with their own eyes.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
The End Times Are Here!!!
What's happening around us? Why are there so many new diseases and pestilences breaking out around the world? Birds are dropping out of the sky, millions of dead fish are washing ashore, earthquakes and tsunamis are occurring all over the world. What about famines? Hate crimes? Shortages of fresh water and fuel and food are becoming more evident. Almost every day we hear of a new war or a new threat against different countries from places like Iran and Syria. Why is Israel so important in this day and age? Technology has developed devices that make the Mark of the Beast now possible. These things are a preview of what is to come in the future Tribulation. It is nearer than we think. Are you ready to meet God?
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
extracts by Eddie Hyatt.
George Whitefield (1714–1770) was uniquely prepared for his role
as the firebrand of the Great Awakening that would bring all the
individual flames of revival together into one blazing inferno of Divine
Awakening... At Oxford he had come under the tutelage of John
and Charles Wesley and had experienced a dramatic conversion
that forever changed his life. His gifted preaching ability drew great
crowds and quickly launched him into leadership, along with the
Wesleys, of the Methodist revival in England. Having eyes that
were crossed, his critics poked fun at him calling him Dr. Squintum.
Sensing a Divine call to America, he departed England in August
of 1739 with a burden for the colonists and a prayer that they would
not live as thirteen scattered colonies, but as “one nation under
God.” As he travelled up and down the eastern seaboard, shop-
keepers closed their doors, farmers left their plows, and workers
threw down their tools to hurry to the place where he was to preach.
Crowds of 8-10 thousand were common. At a time when the
population of Boston was estimated at 25,000, Whitefield preached
to an estimated crowd of 30,000 on the Boston Common. Through
his incessant travels he became the best known and most
recognized figure in colonial America.
The Awakening Impacts all Segments of Society
Whitefield became a friend of Benjamin Franklin and stayed in his
home on at least one of his visits to America. Franklin’s testimony
of the power of the revival is particularly significant since he did
not profess to be a Christian. In his Autobiography, he tells of the
incredible change that came over his hometown of Philadelphia
when Whitefield came there on his first of seven visits to America.
He writes,
"In 1739 there arrived among us from Ireland the Reverend Mr.
Whitfield who made himself remarkable there as an itinerant
preacher. He was at first permitted to preach in some of our
churches, but the clergy, taking a dislike to him, soon refused
him their pulpits, and he was obliged to preach in the fields. The
multitudes of all sects and denominations that attended his sermons
were enormous, and it was a matter of speculation to me, who
was one of the number, to observe the extraordinary influence of
his oratory on his hearers. From being thoughtless or indifferent
about religion, it seemed as if all the world were growing religious
so that one could not walk through the town in an evening without
hearing psalms sung in different families of every street."
Franklin admits that he was skeptical of reports of Whitefield’s
preaching being heard by crowds of 25,000 and more. While
listening to Whitefield preach from the top of the Philadelphia
courthouse steps to a huge throng, Franklin, having an enquiring
and scientific mind, retired backward to see how far Whitefield’s
voice would reach. He then did some calculations and decided
that Whitefield’s voice, which he described as “loud and clear,”
could be heard by crowds of 30,000 and more.
The Awakening Touches All Sects & Denominations
Everywhere he went the Holy Spirit was poured out in great power.
On one occasion after preaching to a huge throng gathered outdoors,
Whitfield surveyed the crowd and noted the amazing response.
"Look where I would, most were drowned in tears. Some were
struck pale as death, others wringing their hands, others lying on
the ground, others sinking into the arms of their friends and most
lifting up their eyes to heaven and crying out to God." In Delaware
there was such an outpouring of God’s Spirit and grace that
Whitefield himself was overcome along with many of his audience.
Although a native of England, Whitefield became best known for
his ministry in America’s First Great Awakening. He loved America
and made seven visits to this land. A tireless worker, he travelled
incessantly from Georgia to Maine preaching primarily in the open
air and raising money for his beloved orphanage, Bethesda, which
he had founded in Georgia. He died during his final visit to America
at the age of 58, probably of congestive heart failure brought on
by fatigue.
The Significance of Whitfield’s Contribution
Whitfield’s contribution to the First Great Awakening was enormous.
More than any other person he, by his incessant travels, helped
make the Awakening a national event. It was the first time the
scattered colonists of various denominational and theological
persuasions had participated together in a single event.
Denominational walls were broken down and, for the first time,
they began to see themselves as a single people with one Divine
destiny—“one nation under God,” as Whitfield had prayed.
The preaching of Whitefield, Edwards, Frelinghuysen, the Tennents,
and others thus paved the way for nationhood. This is why Harvard
professor, William Perry, said, “The Declaration of Independence
of 1776 was a result of the evangelical preaching of the evangelists
of the Great Awakening.”
-From Chapter 5 of the book "GOD SHED HIS GRACE ON THEE"
-SOURCE - http://www.biblicalawakening.blogspot.com/
Friday, September 09, 2011
Israeli General Outlines Future War Scenario That Sounds Similar To Psalms 83...
Israeli General Outlines Future War Scenario: Psalm 83 Prophecy Nearing Fulfillment!
Saturday, September 03, 2011
What is revival?In revival, God moves in the district. Suddenly, the community becomes God-conscious. The Spirit of God grips men and women in such a way that even work is given up, as people give themselves to waiting upon God.
True spiritual revival is like a seething lava flow. It takes time to reach its destination. But when it does, its intense heat and formidable power alters everything in its path. It is the full measure of God's kingdom come to earth.
No spectacle is more glorious-or terrifying
It takes the supernatural to break the bonds of the natural. You can make a community mission-conscious. You can make a community crusade-conscious. But only God can make a community God-conscious. Just think about what would happen if God came to any community in power. I believe that day is coming. May God prepare us all for it.
This video takes you on a remarkable journey to the very edge of this transforming river. Visit the nation of Uganda, the villages of the Canadian Arctic, and take a look back at the transforming nature of the Hebrides revival.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
When was the first Christmas message printed in America? It had to come with European Christians, but who were the first Europeans in America? Did they come with Columbus, or did they come earlier with the Vikings; or even earlier with a band of Irish monks? The Navagatio, Saint Brendan’s account of his travels across the Atlantic, certainly predates the Viking voyages by some 400 years and establishes Irish visitors as early as the Sixth Century A.D., but no evidence had ever been found to support that claim. That lack of hard evidence led author Timothy Severin to duplicate the voyage of Brendan in 1977, in a leather-covered boat built to Brendan’s specifications, but unfortunately, that did little to convince the sceptics.However, while the sceptics argued that possibility and probability do not offer proof, startling discoveries were being made in the New England states of New Hampshire and Vermont that altered the entire subject. A complex of ancient stone buildings, burial tombs, and oracle chambers, which had been under study for some time, were revealed to be Celtic — not from the time of Brendan, but as far back as 800 B.C.!
The evidence was overwhelming. Scores of inscriptions found at the sites were identified as Ogham — a system of cypher used by the Celts over 2500 years ago. Using the science of epigraphy — the study of ancient carvings on stone — Dr. Barry Fell, Harvard professor and president of the Epigraphic Society, not only identified the inscriptions, but translated them. Some identified graves, while others, taken from an oracle chamber, contained religious writings, and still others concerned land boundaries. Together, they indicated a Celtic settlement in America when that form of Ogham was in use, sometime after 800 B.C.
Further, great standing stones, surrounding one of the sites, are geometrically aligned for viewing such celestial events as the summer and winter solstices and seasonal star and lunar patterns. The parallel to Newgrange and similar structures in Ireland is remarkable. In addition to local Indian words and place names with Celtic roots, the defining and dating of pottery, tools, and implements found at the site, also confirm the settlement to be Celtic, matching items produced in the Celtic regions of western Europe during the Bronze Age.
The conclusion that a Celtic society existed in America before the time of Christ is indisputable, but what has that to do with a Christmas Card? Well, Dr. Fell released a book on his initial discoveries, entitled America B.C., and a sequence of events followed which immensely added to the evidence of another group of early settlers, and the Christmas Card they left behind.
Ida Jane Gallagher, a native West Virginian working as a free-lance historian in Connecticut, forwarded to Dr. Fell an article that she had received from the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce. The article described a stone carving in Wyoming County, West Virginia, similar to the ones she had photographed in New England. Discovered by two amateur archeologists in 1964, the carving was examined in 1970 by a Geological survey team, who concluded that the inscription — whatever its meaning — was the work of early Indians or aborigines, and of no significance, since many such undeciphered carvings existed, whose origins are shrouded in mystery. The find was forgotten for a decade until archeologist Robert Pyle learned of its existence from his assistant Tony Shields.
Shields, a former Wyoming County resident, told Pyle of carvings near his home that were similar to old runic writings. When he produced photos of the carvings as proof, an excited Pyle estimated that they had been carved between 500 and 800 A.D. Beginning in March 1982, Pyle and Shields recorded every detail of the carving in eighteen separate visits. Convinced of its importance, Pyle gave the story to a local newspaper; the editorial and photo that subsequently appeared was clipped by a reader who sent it to the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce magazine. They, in turn, sent it to Ida Jane Gallagher. She immediately arranged to visit the site.
In November 1982, Pyle led a small group up a steep bank in West Virginia to a rock ledge, and Gallagher took her first look at the 10-foot inscription carved on a recessed portion of a cliff face beneath a natural rock overhang. Convinced that it was a major find, she contacted Professor Fell, and he agreed to attempt a translation.
When Dr. Fell saw the petroglyph, he immediately recognized it as an advanced form of the Ogham script he had seen in Ireland and on the New England carvings. He began a translation from Ogham into Old Irish, from Old Irish into modern Irish, and then into English.
The message thus deciphered read:
At the time of sunrise, a ray grazes the notch on the left side on Christmas Day, the first season of the year, the season of the blessed advent of the savior Lord Christ. Behold he is born of Mary, a woman.
According to the translation, the carving was a solar calendar bearing a Christmas message! But how could a Christmas message be carved in America, in an Irish script, between 500 and 800 A.D.? Was there a mistake? The small group decided to verify the translation. Calculating the difference between the Julian calendar (used until the 16th Century) and today’s Gregorian calendar, they met at the petroglyph just before sunrise on December 22, 1982. Quietly they waited as the sun climbed in the east, spilled over the mountains, and streamed its rays toward the cliff face before them. They watched in amazement as the first shaft of sunlight funnelled like a flashlight beam through a 3-sided notch in the cliff overhang and struck the center of a sun symbol on the left side of the panel. As they watched in awe, the beam pushed the shadow from left to right, slowly bathing the entire message in sunlight like a prehistoric neon sign announcing yet another Christmas, as it has done for centuries. Before their eyes, they had received a message across the ages.
Subsequent visits showed that the phenomenon only occurred at the winter solstice; and at other times of the year the sun only partially lit the message. In 1985, the distinguished Celtic scholar, Professor Robert T. Meyer visited the site and responded to a question regarding its authenticity in these words:
Nobody could have faked this sort of thing unless they had a very deep knowledge of Celtic philosophy, for this is very archaic, and probably from the sixth or seventh centuries. This, for Celtic scholars, is probably at least as important as the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls . . . because it shows that Irish Monks, I suppose, came here, I would say, about 1500 years ago.
Since that time, other Ogham carvings have been discovered in West Virginia at Bears’s Fork in Fayette County and Horse Creek in Boone’s County; as well as at Red River Gorge in Kentucky; Shell Rock Canyon, Colorado, and Newfoundland!
As for the Wyoming County petroglyph, it remains for all to see: America’s first Christmas message, left between 500 and 800 A.D., by Irish Christian missionaries. We may never know the identity of the person or persons who carved the message, but the fact that it exists, provides important proof of the old claim that Irish monks sailed to America to spread the gospel long before Columbus and the Vikings. An Irish monk named Brendan wrote of that in the Sixth Century, but no one believed him. Now, in view of the earlier settlements found in New England, it should be obvious that the Irish had the map all along.
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