'Temple Mount points to location of lost Ark'
In"Temple at the Center of Time: Newton's Bible Codex Deciphered and the Year 2012,"by David Flynn, a book that has skyrocketed up the best-seller charts before its official release later this month, says his studies of the Temple Mount strongly suggest the Ark will be found at Mount Nebo in Jordan.
The discovery would be the greatest archeological find ever – as has been suggested in popular movies such as "Raiders of the Lost Ark."
In"Temple at the Center of Time,"Flynn makes the case that the Temple Mount, the home of the Jewish temples, was not just a place of religious worship. It is also is a roadmap to future events – a kind of prophetic landmark whose significance is only now revealed through the development of satellite imagery.
The book asserts it has "deciphered Isaac Newton’s greatest paradox: None other than 'the unified field theory' of Bible prophecy."
Sir Isaac Newton was not only a great thinker in physics, the book explains, but had extensive knowledge of the Scriptures with a special interest in prophecy. Newton believed there was a hidden code, a type of time-encrypted language. He believed the key to deciphering this code was the Temple of Solomon. He wrote extensively on the length measurements of the Temple and suggested it intersected time and dimension, serving as a prophetic and supernatural structure.
According to Flynn, although Newton never cracked this code, he was on the right track and was limited only by the lack of sophisticated satellite technology.
"The description of Jerusalem as a terrestrial centerpoint, situated in the center of the world, is found in Philo's Legatio and Gaium," Flynn notes. "The world is like a human eyeball. The white of the eye is the ocean surrounding the world, the iris is this continent, the pupil is Jerusalem, and the image in the pupil is the Holy Temple."
Many historians speculate that because Babylon destroyed the Temple of Solomon, it also removed the Ark to Babylon. There it is said the Ark was eventually destroyed along with the other artifacts from the temple, the gold melted down and set into coins for their treasury. But the Book of Daniel makes specific mention of the golden menorah from the temple of Jerusalem in the palace of Belshazzar. The Babylonian king had preserved it, a major artifact from the Jewish temple, in an attempt to demonstrate the superiority of Babylon's gods to the God of the Hebrews. That the menorah was set on display in this manner underscores how unlikely the Babylonians would have been to destroy the Ark, the greatest symbol of the God of the Hebrews.
Certain tracts of the Midot in the Jewish Talmud dealing with temple laws, practices and rituals allude to the creation of more than one Ark, the second made as a decoy to protect the original. They claim that certain articles of the temple furnishing including the true Ark remain in a secret vault underneath the temple mount in Jerusalem.
However, others discount the likelihood of the Ark being left to fate under the Temple Mount, open to any treasure hunter with the motivation to merely dig. It is difficult to explain how the location could remain secret, as Jerusalem remained open for excavation and plundering for hundreds of years after its fall to the Romans in AD 70. Motivated treasure seekers over the ensuing centuries have had ample time to excavate the area underneath the temple.
The recovery of temple treasure of Solomon was the highest goal of the Knights Templar that established their center on the Temple Mount during the crusades.
Various Judaic sects of Ethiopia believe the Ark has been guarded and kept in the city of Axum in their country for thousands of years. The legend claims it was brought to Axum by the son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, Prince Menelik I.
Some historians believe the Egyptians took the ark and hid it underground in the city of Tanis, the seat of Shishak’s dynasty. The location was lost over the course of history. That was the theory behind the first "Indiana Jones" movie.
But all of these theories are discounted by Flynn, who points out the Ark was a central focus of worship during the reign of King Josiah – long after the reign of Solomon.
Meanwhile, the book of 2 Maccabees 2:4 explains that before the destruction of Solomon’s temple by the Babylonians in 587 BC, the Ark was hidden by the prophet Jeremiah in a cave at the base of Mount Nebo in the Pisgah range of Jordan. Maccabees, as well as other Apocryphal works, are retained in modern Catholic bibles as well as the Septuagint and Vulgate.The account of the Ark from 2 Maccabees is also mentioned in the Jewish Talmud, in Huriot 12A and Tractate Yoma 72a. These texts explain that the Ark's location would not be recovered until the Jews were brought back to Israel following the Diaspora, an event that occurred in 1948. The pseudopigraphic book 2 Baruch, written near the1stcentury, repeats the prophetic age in which the Ark would be recovered: "Oh earth ... guard them [the temple vessels and the Ark] until the last times, So that, when thou art ordered, thou mayst restore them, So that strangers may not get possession of them. For the time comes when Jerusalem also will be delivered for a time, until it is said, that it is again restored for ever."
According to the Bible , the greatest prophet of all time was Moses, which states, "And there arose not a prophet (neba) since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face." Ironically, according to the Bible, Mount Nebo was the site of the death of Moses.
The Hebrew wordsnobe, meaning "high place," andnahab,meaning "to hollow out," "gate," or "pupil of the eye," also correlate with the location for the resting place of the ark in a "hollow cave" on Mount Nebo, described in 2 Maccabees, says Flynn.
Mount Nebo is 25.20 nautical miles due East of Jerusalem – and Flynn finds significance in that distance related to his study of the Temple Mount and its mystical placement "at the center of time and space."
Before it is even officially released,"Temple at the Center of Time"is causing a sensation in some circles where it is being compared to "The Bible Code.
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