Sunday, January 27, 2013

Rabbi Cahn Gives Powerful Prophetic Word at the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast

"Rabbi Cahn Gives Powerful Prophetic Word at the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast" 


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    God bless you, Rabbi for speaking the undiluted truth.

  2. Cathy D.1:08 PM

    Now this is preaching the truth! Glory to God! Wake up the people of God. Definition of People of God is those who have made God's Son Savior and Lord of thier lives, who proclaim unashamedly His truth. Not those who do not hide behind the skirt of His earthly mother, or say that the Son of God is lucifers brother, those who call Him allah, and those who deny the power of the cross. God will say "Depart from Me I never knew you.
