Monday, February 11, 2013

Pope Benedict Resigns - Papal Prophecy Points to the Final Pope - The False Prophet

Pope Benedict Resigns - Papal Prophecy Points to the Final Pope - The False Prophet

Pope Benedict XVI announced Monday morning that he would be stepping down as the head of the Catholic Church, making him the first Pope to step down rather than die in the position in more than 600 years. A new pope will be selected by the end of March. There will undoubtedly be much speculation about who will take over the reigns of the Catholic Church, but one thing that we can look to for some guidance about who might be the the next pope are the infamous papal prophecies of St. Malachy. St. Malachy, the first Irish saint, had a vision of the next 112 popes. We've had 111 since, and are on the verge of seeing No. 112, which Malachy says will be the final pope before the Return of Christ.  Malachy called this Pope "Peter the Roman."  According to the prophecy, during his reign Roman, the city on seven hills, will be destroyed and the Great Judge will come to judge His people.  

St. Malachy's prophecies concerning the last 111 Popes have been startling accurate.  The 112th and final Pope many believe will be the False Prophet, who will usher in the Anti-Christ!  Before Easter of 2013, the 112th Pope will be elected and take office!!  Surely, we are at the End of Days and the soon return of Christ!!

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